Monday, December 15, 2008


For our thriller piece we uploaded our footage to Final Cut Express, we then cut out the unneeded footage. We then organized our footage into playing order and then went onto adding the affects like;
- Adding night filters to our footage
- Embossing some of the footage
- Sharpening some of the clips
- Fading footage in and out of each other
- We have used colour corrector to change the light of the clips for a more edgy look to give out connotations of dull darkness and a sense of lost normality.
 We thickened the pace of our footage in some areas and slowed it down in some area to really show the tension and worry of the male character making it more effective to the viewer. We cut the clips up and faded them over the top of each other, this shows what the character is thinking and how he feels, Which really brings this part together.
for one of our clips we wanted o change it into a CCTV shot, so on final cut we added video filters to create that look, we used stylize and we added noise to the clip to give it a more grainy, grizzled look.We then looked at CCTV on YouTube and used the date, time and REC symbol they used on ours. This is the video we used from youtube.com;

The  actual sequence of footage is different to our animatic, we have slightly changed the the sequence of events for a more thrilling effect, partly due to us being unable to use our preferred location, Adenbrookes.
After completing editing the footage in Final Cut Express, we moved onto Garage Band to create music and sounds to match our piece where needed. There were not many choices of soundtracks for what we needed for final cut  so luckily for us we borrowed a Cd from the media office of sounds that were more appropriate for our thriller opening. The sound is quite important part to how effective our thriller will be so we had many brain storms about what kind of sounds to use and voted in our group.



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